5 Actionable SEO-Tips for SMB-Owners


Actionable SEO-Tips

Small business owners on the big business playground need to take care of dozens of details. In this computer-oriented world, ensuring online visibility for your enterprise is one of the key elements. 

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a process in which you adopt every bit of content to search engines, such as Google Search or Bing. There are numerous strategies SMB-owners can use but most of them don’t have too much time at their disposal. 

That’s why we’ve compiled seven practical tips that will improve your SEO-results and, subsequently, the online status of your business.

  • Mind the voice search

With Google Assistant, Cortana, and Siri taking the world by storm, business owners need to adjust their content to voice search. 

These tools are based on artificial intelligence. So, the software behind them has the ability to connect the dots and store important data about their users. As users keep making new voice searches, their assistants keep memorizing restaurants they eat at, supermarkets where they buy or sports they like to watch.  

SMB-owners need to prepare their content for such queries. For instance, the more you appear in local voice searches, the better position your business is going to take in search engine page results. At this point, it’s vital to target the questions your target audience might ask and ensure proper answers. This will help you show up in Google featured snippets and improve your business visibility. 

  • Use business keywords wisely

You might ask yourself how to identify the questions your potential customers might be asking on the Web? The first option is to conduct keyword research and see what results from you’re going to get. You can set these features to get results for various parameters, such as your town, region or country. Also, you can find the most popular queries performed by Internet users based on their age, social structure, and other options. 

You can use your common sense, as well. For instance, if you’re a small business manufacturing toys and selling them online, your content should revolve around such keywords and keyword strings. 

If you’re new to the business, you can find out more about your competitors’ keywords, as well. This will give you an insight into their SEO-policy, which might inspire you to make some additional moves. 

  • Place backlinks strategically

Only a few years ago, SEO-professionals and even content writers used to stuff their content bits with dozens of keywords. Such an approach used to result in higher rankings in search engine page results.

As search engine algorithms are improving, such tactics don’t work anymore. This means that the content you publish, keywords you use, and links you post online need be correlated. 

Therefore, it’s crucial to place backlinks to your website strategically. Let’s say you’re planning to post an article to a relevant website in your niche. It should include an equally relevant link to another article from your blog or a landing page from your website. That way, people will visit discover your website and its content in a natural, organic way. 

To reach this goal, you need to publish both your articles and links only on websites that are recognized as resourceful and trustworthy by Internet users. In addition to websites, you should share your content via Reddit, Medium, and other relevant content platforms. The more quality backlinks leading to your website you share all of these posts, the higher traffic you can expect. 

  • Polish your landing pages

Landing pages are like supermarket racks where you’ve arranged products (or services) you would like to sell. If you imagine them this way, it’s clear that you need to ensure that potential buyers are impressed by these racks. This means polishing landing pages and keeping them free of any distracting content that might interfere with the purchase. 

As suggested by the designers from a digital agency in Houston, sometimes less is more in terms of visuals. Applied to land pages, this motto refers to the functionality of such pages. If you’re trying to sell a product that way, make all the way to checkout as clear as possible. 

If you’re trying to make a visitor subscribe, add a special discount voucher or to any other perk for registration. 

The point is not to overburden landing pages with too many details. Such an approach might result in higher bounce rates and unsatisfying SEO-results. 

  • Adapt to the local audience

Every small business needs to cherish a local aspect, as well. You might be dreaming big but it’s advisable to start this long journey with the support of the local audience. 

If you want to improve this kind of business visibility, register your venture on Google My Business. This will make you appear in various online searches. To use the example with toys from the above, if someone writes wooden toy cars in Google, your business will appear on Google Maps. 

What’s more, adding the NAP features – name, address, and phone number – can significantly improve your position among local businesses. 

Under this account, both you and your customers can upload photos of your business and its products. What’s more, users can leave their comments and reviews. All these elements will help a new SMB-owner stand out from the crowd and become visible to a large number of people. 

If you provide top-notch services, the My Business page will do wonders for your SEO-status. 


Optimizing your online business places for search engines and users is an important task. If you ensure high visibility via proper content and outstanding services, you’ll do a fair share of your SEO-work. 

Hopefully, the tips and tools provided in this guide will help your venture climb that ladder and ensure a bright business future. 

Author Byline: Liam Collins is a tech pundit and Web enthusiast working at TuiSpace.com. He spends most of his time reading and writing about the current affairs in the world of information technology. When he isn’t working, he likes going for long bike rides and walks in nature.