Yoga To Release Sadness


Yoga To Release Sadness

Sadness is a normal human emotion. We all have felt it at some point in our life, and will definitely feel it again. This feeling is a reaction to a situation. Something hurtful and upsetting happens, and we feel sad. It is temporary and goes away once the stressful or upsetting situation passes.

What are the Yoga poses that help release sadness?

  • Upward Salute Pose

Stand straight and turn your arms outward so your palms face away from your body and point your thumbs backward. Inhale, and raise your arms towards the sky gradually. Stop when your arms are parallel to each other.

  • Standing Forward Bent Pose

Stand straight, with your hands on your hips. Exhale and gradually bend forward from the hip joints by keeping your knees straight. Touch your palms or fingertips to the floor near your feet and then touch your palms to the back of the ankles.

Keep inhaling and life your upper body upwards slightly. With each breath, lift your body a bit so your breath and movement are synchronized. This will make you feel your breaths and will help drive negative thoughts out of your mind.

  • High Lunge

Touch your hands to the ground and stretch your left leg backwards so that your right knee can form a right angle. Keep looking in front and make the left thigh form and straight, without bending your knee. Stretch your left heel towards the floor. Maintain for 30 seconds and breathe slowly.

Exhale and place both the legs by each other’s side. Repeat the above instructions with the other leg.

  • Downward Facing Dog Pose

Sit on the floor on all fours. Stretch your hands forward and spread your fingers.  Stretch your legs backward and slowly lift yourself off the ground balancing your body on your hands and feet. Be sure that your palms and feet are in complete contact with the floor. Keep your head between your arms. Stay for about 1 minute. Then bring your legs to their original position and then your hands gradually and lift your body to stand.

  • Four-Limbed Staff Pose

Also known as ‘planks’, lie straight on the floor, face-down. Place your palms on the floor, and lift yourself. Keep rising until your feet are only supported by the toes. Make sure your feet are in the right angle, and your forearm in the right angle with your body. Hold your elbows firmly by your side and lift your head to be in line with your shoulders. Stay for 10 to 30 seconds and then lay yourself lightly on the floor to relax.

  • Upward-Facing Dog

Lie face down on the floor and slowly stretch your body upwards so by taking the support of your hands and feet. Ensure that your feet are in full contact with the ground, with the sole facing the ceiling. Leave your palms and feet touching the ground, and lift your whole body upwards, forming a C shape with your upper body. Take care to not compress the back of your neck or harden the throat. Hold for 15 to 30 seconds and breathe easily. Lay on the floor in a relaxed position afterwards.

  • The Easy Pose

As the name suggests, it is the asana for being happy, and is called the ‘easy pose’- but not so much for those used to sit in chairs.

Fold a thick blanket to make firm support of about six inches. Sit cross-legged on one edge of this support. Slide each foot beneath the opposite knee and fold the legs in towards your body. As you look down, you will see a triangle formed by the two thighs and crossed shins, but the gap should be comfortable- only then it is the correct asana. Sit with your back straight and rest your hands on your knees, fold them in a namaste position, or keep them overlapped in your lap.

You can maintain this posture for any length of time. While practicing it regularly, remember to alternate the cross of the legs. On one day, keep the right shin in front of the left; on the other day, do the opposite.

Some of us conceal our emotions so we don’t appear vulnerable in front of others. But as the famous psychologist, Sigmund Freud has said, “Unexpressed emotions will never die. You can find more such quotes at Treasure Quotes. 

Hence, it is important to express these emotions to feel light and better. Yoga is believed to be one of the best ways to express your emotions and feel alive again. Take out some time in your everyday life to practice these poses and feel relaxed.