Why is Assisted Living Better for Seniors?


Living Better for Seniors

Thinking about moving a loved one to assisted living can feel overwhelming for a lot of people. After all, they know their loved ones are used to a life of independence, work, and taking care of others. However, there can be serious consequences for letting seniors live alone, especially as they age. Although moving to assisted living can feel like they are leaving their lives behind, moving to assisted living is a journey with new adventures and opportunities waiting. Below, we will look at even more reasons why assisted living is superior to independent living for seniors.

Intellectual Stimulation

Mental stimulation is an important component in slowing down cognitive decline and assisted living facilities to offer lots of opportunities for intellectual stimulation. These can include libraries, language lessons, woodworking, or even some games that are intended to stimulate mental activity. Also, more assisted living facilities are providing computer rooms and tablets. These not only help seniors living in these facilities remain engaged but also help them develop some tech skills they can use to get in touch with friends and family members.

They Get the Assistance They Need When They Need It

All assisted living facilities provide assistance with activities of daily living. This can mean things like assistance getting dressed or taking a much-needed walk. The good news is that if a resident needs additional help while they age, additional assistance can be arranged and is always available should they need it. 

Additionally, assisted living facilities also offer health-related assistance. Some of these benefits include medication management, on-call nurses to respond to emergencies, transportation to doctor appointments and for outdoor events, and caregiving aid which includes escorts to community areas and social activities.

Reduced Social Isolation

Seniors who live alone often feel socially isolated and this can lead to loneliness and depression in severe cases. In assisted living, seniors are made part of the larger community, with new friends and staff helping and encouraging them to become part of the community.

To prevent feelings of isolation, assisted living facilities like Frontier Assisted Living also help their residents maintain a fun social life. Through socialization, engagement, and inclusion, Frontier Management Assisted Living strives to make seniors feel they are part of the community. 

Once they move into these communities, seniors are introduced to new friends and staff who work hard to make them feel they are an integral part of these communities. By helping reduce feelings of isolation that often lead to depression, assisted living can help enhance physical and mental health as well as overall wellness.

More Free Time

Living independently comes with everything required to take care of a home. This is in addition to seniors taking care of themselves and other aspects of their lives. For many, this burden can be overwhelming and leave them with little to no time to do the things they love.

Assisted living helps free up enough time so seniors can either do the things they love or get into something new. Because they do not have to worry about cleaning or taking care of a house overall, they can find new hobbies, cultivate new friendships and relationships, read a lot more, or even fulfill a lifelong dream. 

Safety and Security

Safety and security are serious concerns, not only for seniors, but also for the people that take care of them. Assisted living facilities prioritize the safety and security of their residents. One of the ways they do this is by constructing the facilities to avoid falls. Falls are the number one reason why seniors visit the emergency room. By improving accessibility and adding ramps and handrailing, the facilities are a lot safer than most homes.

Assisted living facilities also know that seniors are targets for break-ins. Therefore, they invest in security systems to not only protect them but also give seniors peace of mind.

Lastly, by having staff on-call, emergencies can be taken care of faster. By taking care of emergencies as soon as they happen, assisted living facilities can ensure the emergencies do not become unmanageable. This is different from having to wait to be found after an accident at home which can make things worse.

Safe Transportation

Due to various reasons like failing eyesight and some health conditions, driving can be dangerous for seniors. Also, car ownership is a lot more hectic for senior citizens. In both of these cases, assisted living communities can offer the transport required for errands, shopping, events, or doctor’s appointments. This can help seniors avoid having to deice their windshields, drive through bad weather conditions or shovel their car out of snow.

A Healthier Lifestyle

Seniors have different nutrition and fitness needs. If they live at home, they would have to prepare healthy meals and drive or take transportation to a fitness center or physical therapy. Assisted living provides all-inclusive dining that ensures seniors get nutritious meals without the hassle of having to prepare and cook it. Also, these facilities ensure everyone has access to the right foods for their particular situation, e.g., where seniors need access to diabetic diets or meals with low cholesterol.

Assisted living communities offer on-site exercise. They have supervisors who ensure all exercises and workouts are safe and tailored for seniors of different abilities and mobility levels. Physical activity can help seniors improve cognitive function, live longer, and is a great social activity.

Peace of Mind

Assisted living communities give seniors, their friends, and families peace of mind. Friends and family know their loved one is safe and is being taken care of well. Seniors, on the other hand, know that they can get the assistance they need and do not have to worry about things like medical emergencies taking too long to be taken care of.

While assisted living can feel like you are giving up on a loved one, it is not. It is about getting your loved one to an environment where they will be taken care of well, meet other seniors and live a stress-free life. Just ensure you find an assisted living community that is a great fit for your loved one.