6 Characteristics of a Successful Church Fundraiser


Church Fundraiser

Venues like churches and community centers are often run on donations and financial gifts from those who attend. When extra funds are needed, either to renovate the church or pay for additional necessities, finding the cash is not always easy. If you’re managing a church fundraiser, here are some of the characteristics which are likely to make yours successful. 

1. Demonstrate Why the Money is Needed 

Any good fundraiser or campaign should clearly show why the money is needed. When speaking or writing to people who might potentially give to your fundraiser, speak clearly about what the money will be used for. If it’s for a new church roof, for example, let them know about any leaks, damage, or other problems which need to be repaired.  

2. Show Your Gratitude Always

It doesn’t matter how much the donation is – you should always show the donor that you are grateful for their contribution. This is an incredibly important part of any fundraiser since people often will give what they feel they can afford. It can also encourage other people to donate and to spread the word further about the fundraiser. 

3. Offer Something in Return

When people make donations, consider whether it is appropriate to offer them something in return. For example, some fundraisers offer donors the chance to sponsor a brick or a piece of carpet when a building is being renovated. Rather than simply working towards an overall target, individuals often feel more accomplishment and value when they can specifically identify where their money is going. 

4. Emphasize the Shared Goals

With church fundraisers in particular, people are working towards a shared goal for something they are generally all passionate about. While you should aim to attract donors from outside the church as well, you should make the most of the collective shared goal and values.

5. Create Fundraising Days

Having set days where people are able to get involved in an activity can help to generate more cash for the fundraiser. Charge a small entry fee when people arrive, and offer cakes, drinks, and other things for sale. You can find many church fundraising ideas from experts like Fundraising Brick

Advertise the days for a few weeks in advance to ensure people can plan ahead. This will give you the maximum chance of having a larger crowd on the day. Let people know about it during the church services and on any website or social media pages. 

6. Be Flexible About Donating 

Fundraisers should give as wide a range of donation options as possible. Avoid offering people the option of donating cash only. Many people will find it easier and more convenient to donate by using credit cards or online platforms.

Running a successful church fundraiser can take up a lot of time. That’s why it’s important to do what you can to give it the best chance of success – raising as much money as possible for the needs of the church community.